Monday, July 30, 2012

'Tweener Car

Back when I started my interview process I found several paint and body shops. Although many have excellent references, they were out of my league. So I made an arrangement. If I wasn't in a hurry, I could get my car done in between other projects and stay within budget. This way the shop had a back up for their employees during slow times and I had a fixed fee.  So far this arrangement has worked well and the quality is superb. Although this summer is way too hot, the guys are making some progress. In the photos above, all the body work has been completed on the top side.  The engine bay is finished and looks great! Work has begun on the underside. All the pans have been seam sealed, epoxy primed and smoothed out. The torque boxes have been trued as the previous owner hopped some curbs. They are working from the front to the back and when complete, will begin to lay the paint!